Sunday, April 6, 2014

My latest review

My latest review for The Deadly Caress.

'Great cover and curiosity drew my attention to this book. A quick peek into the book on-line and the quoted poem "On Seeing a Sheep .." sets a scene of life, fate, innocence, death so I decided to buy it. The story quickly grabbed my attention and it was difficult to stop reading. An intriguing tale of an adopted baby growing up in Australia and having a successful career as a freelance photographer. A surprising turn of events when Amanda Blake is summoned to America by her birth mother! The unexpected twists kept drawing me on, even through the fear, horror and evil. The book draws you quickly to the final chapter. At the end I was wondering what lay ahead in Amanda's life? Thank you O. Stefan and I will keep an eye out for your next book.'

The Deadly Caress

The Deadly Caress Web site

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